Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mental Map

This map was on display at the "Magnificent Maps" exhibition at the British Library in London, which was closed in September of 2010. It is a mental map of the cartographer's own mind. Mental maps are maps that are thought up and projected in one's own mind. A child's drawing, or that of someone with a child-like mental ability, of an area they know is a perfect example of this. Young or unable to yet see the technicalities and ordered ways of geographically mapping out the world, they present an image of the world from their own pure thoughts and experiences. For example, in this map a plane does not represent an airport, it represents the way to Grandma's because the cartographer of this map relates going to the airport to going to visit their grandmother. The same could be said for the river: this artist does not "travel to the river", they simply "go swimming" at that location.

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